
Payment Item (or Package) Setting

You may see 'Package Management' or 'Payment Item' in your script. It's the same meaning. Here we use the word 'Package'.

1. Package Type

There are three types of package available.

Purchase: It's a one-time purchase, a user buys the package, and he can do or own something.

Top-up: When a user wants to reload his balance, he buys a top-up package, and the corresponding amount will be reloaded to his account's balance.

Subscription: It's a recurring payment, a user will automatically be charged every (n) day/month/year.

2. Access Code

It's used to control the accessibility of a package, say, you are promoting a package on Facebook Ads. You only want to let the user from Facebook Ads see the specific package, in this case, you can set an Access Code for the package.

Once you set the Access Code for a package, the user can see the package only when he visits through https://your_siite.com/redirect?from=AccessCode, and he will only see packages with this Access Code.

When a user visits the site with Access Code, it's only valid within the PHP session's time-out period. It depends on your server's setting, generally speaking, it's 24 minutes. That means Access Code will be invalid after he stays at the site without any actions or leaves the site.

3. Purchase Times Limit

You can limit the times of purchase for a package. It's useful in the cases as follows.

It's a trial package of $0. It's a free package so you may want the user to purchase only once.

It's a life-time package. Life-time means the user only needs to buy once.

In these two cases, you might need to limit the purchase times to 1.

4. Access Condition

The precondition of buying a package, see the example as follows.

You set up a Booster Package, but you require the user to buy the Basic Package first, in this case, Basic Package is the Booster Package's access condition. The user won't be able to buy the Booster Package if he doesn't buy the Basic Package.

5. Recurring

When the package type is a subscription, you need to set the proper value for 'Recurring Interval Unit'  and 'Recurring Interval'.

Recurring Interval Unit, like 1, 2,3 day/month/year, the number 1, 2, 3 is an interval unit.

Recurring Interval, like 1, 2,3 day/month/year, the day/month/year is an interval.

The setting as follows means the subscription will be updated every 7 days (The user will be charged every 7 days).

6. Renew or Reset Action

When the package is a purchase package, the setting determines whether the available resource will be reset on the month's first day.

When the package is a $0 subscription package, the setting determines whether to stop renews on its expired date. It's useful for a trial subscription.

7. Package Description

Description of the package, one line, one critical information. It will be shown line by line with an ICON in the package list(Pay Now in the dashboard or Pricing in the Front-End) accordingly.

8. Assign a free package for a user when signs up

You can assign a $0 package to a user when he signs up through Generally Setting as follows.